The Cemetery of the Knight

Difficulty: 7/10
Theme: 6/10
Clue Quality: 4.5/10
Review of The Cemetery of the Knight
This game was rated a 3/5 on the box. We found it to be a little more challenging than a 3, but this was also our first escape room in a box.
We used about 2 or 3 hints in our game plus a few extras to make sure we were on the right track. This had one puzzle that was decoding and we found it to be pretty challenging. We took a bit of time trying to figure that one out.
This escape room in a box didn't really lead to solving multiple puzzles at once. It was more of all of us working together one puzzle at a time.
We probably didn't pick the best time to actually do this game... it was very late and we had been out and about in Charlottesville almost all day.
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